
You will need to create a user model, define routes, include concerns, and you may want to alter some of the default settings for this gem. Run the following command for an easy one-step installation:

rails g devise_token_auth:install [USER_CLASS] [MOUNT_PATH]

or for Mongoid

rails g devise_token_auth:install_mongoid [USER_CLASS] [MOUNT_PATH]


rails g devise_token_auth:install User auth

This generator accepts the following optional arguments:






The name of the class to use for user authentication.



The following events will take place when using the install generator:

  • An initializer will be created at config/initializers/devise_token_auth.rb. Read more.

  • A model will be created in the app/models directory. If the model already exists, a concern (and fields for Mongoid) will be included at the file. Read more.

  • Routes will be appended to file at config/routes.rb. Read more.

  • A concern will be included by your application controller at app/controllers/application_controller.rb. Read more.

  • For ActiveRecord a migration file will be created in the db/migrate directory. Inspect the migrations file, add additional columns if necessary, and then run the migration:

    rake db:migrate

You may also need to configure the following items:

  • OmniAuth providers when using 3rd party oauth2 authentication. Read more.

  • Cross Origin Request Settings when using cross-domain clients. Read more.

  • Email when using email registration. Read more.

  • Multiple model support may require additional steps. Read more.

Last updated